Shire of Kulin Ordinary Council Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month commencing at 4.00pm unless varied by Council for a specific purpose.
Council Meetings, by resolution, are not held during January of each year, unless a Special Meeting is arranged.
A 15 minute public question time is held at the beginning of each meeting where residents are welcome to ask questions, with or without notice, or raise an issue considered relevant to the operation of the Council. In some cases prior notification of a proposed question is considered prudent, particularly if the matter requires some research. Residents are also permitted to attend the whole Council meeting if desired, however are not permitted to speak (unless directed by the President) or take part in debate on any agenda item.
Electors Meeting: The Annual Electors Meeting is usually held between February and April each year following the ordinary Council Meeting. This meeting presents reports on the activities of the preceding 12 months, the annual statements and the Auditor's Report. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and are invited to ask Council questions.
Public Meetings: From time to time the Council will call a public meeting on an item of community interest. Wide advertising is given to such meetings.