Services Offered By The Kulin Community Resource Centre
- Internet Access and WIFI
- Printing and Copying
- Scanning and Emailing
- Government Access Point Including Centrelink
- Tin Horse Highway Souvenirs
- Kulin Bush Races Merchandise
- Tourist Information Point
- Souvenirs
- Available on request: Kulin Update, Welcome to Kulin pack, and local phone directory.
Support Services
Central Agcare
Food Vouchers and Financial Assistance 90632037
House hold items The Harvest Place 9880 4015
Share and Care Community Services Group
Emergency Relief Contact (08) 9622 2828 or

Adult Support Services

Youth Support Services

Fly2Health is partnering with Variety WA to deliver FREE developmental assessments to children in rural and remote WA who meet the below criteria:
Under the age of 6
- Identified developmental concerns
- Financial or geographical challenges in accessing assessment services
- Not receiving other funded services (such as NDIS)
- Reside in the Goldfields, Esperance, Midwest, Murchison, or central Wheatbelt regions of WA
The assessment includes:
A 45-minute session with a Speech Pathologist and/or Occupational Therapist, which can be completed at a local clinic or school
- A 15-minute feedback session (in person or by phone) to discuss the results and recommendations
- A brief summary report, which will be shared with the referrer and family
For more details and to access the service, you can visit Variety WA Developmental Assessment - Fly2 Health
1300 163 665 or
Skill Hire
Albany - 9892 7444
WA Financial Councillors
1800 007 007
Forrest Personal
Employment Consultants
9881 6706
No interest loans for low income earners ($200-$1500)
1300 365 301
The Kulin CRC is a an agent for WA NILS and can help you with your loan application
MAX Employment Northam
139 Fitzgerald Street
Northam, Western Australia, 6401